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How to feel good when working from home and parenting

a hand holding a tube of dark red lipstick

For the last two years, many of us have been working from home. We traded the 9-5 in an office for the 9-5 in our spare bedrooms, kitchen tables, or if we are lucky, a designated home office. This change in schedule also altered our daily routines for personal hygiene and showcasing our personal style. Here are some ideas for how to feel good when working from home and parenting that aren’t overwhelming but help you feel your best.

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Create your definition of feeling good

When our change in schedule happened, I don’t think any of us has had time to think about what makes us feel good. In some ways, we are all just surviving. I miss the ritual of getting ready, putting on a fun outfit, and pulling myself together. I’m also relieved that I don’t have to do this long routine every morning anymore. I didn’t want to stop feeling like I am pulled together so I had to create my own definition for what feeling good looks like. Here’s what that looks like for me:

Refresh your basics

It is tempting to wear the same yoga pants, house slippers, sweatshirts, and pullovers day after day. No one sees you up close and it’s easy to get away with not putting a lot of effort into our appearance. One way I make sure that I feel good is to update my basics regularly. Sure my old comfy clothes feel nice but I also like feeling pulled together even if I’m in athleisure wear like yoga pants. So, if something is looking rundown, I replace it even if I’m the only one who really sees it.

Focus on the neck up

Since we are talking about amending a routine, why not focus on the part that’s on camera the most? My daily uniform usually includes Lululemon ultra high rise Align legging and a series of more polished tops. It’s amazing how pulled together I feel when the top half of my outfit is pulled together.

Engage your senses

For me, I need a clean and clutter free space. It’s hard when that space is a home that becomes a daycare, an office, and a site for home school. When I feel frumpy, sometimes I really just need to refresh my space: move some furniture, clean off my desk, add some flowers, ask our cleaners to come a week early, change the bed sheets, or light a candle.

Also, I really enjoy burning a candle or wearing perfume that I love. I find that no matter what I’m wearing, scents always picks up my mood. My favorite candles and perfumes are

Continue with your routine maintenance

Maybe you love not having to keep up a weekly maintenance schedule. But if you’re feeling sluggish, try bringing back some of your regular hygiene rituals. Sometimes this kind of pick me up is what you need to feel great for a couple of weeks.

Set a new morning routine for getting ready

Perhaps you don’t need the same effort for makeup and hair now that you’re working from home. An abbreviated routine is a great way to feel your best without having to spend as much time getting ready. It’s hard to justify a lot of effort when your day is spent in front of a computer at home, but a little effort always makes me feel better.

Here’s how I focus on hair and makeup (and I included my products for you to try):

These are a few of my favorite ways to endure what’s been a long, long two years during the pandemic. For those of you who are working from home, best of luck. Let me know if you have anything else that you would like to add.

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