Featured on The Cabro: Jalyn Roberson


This month’s Featured on The Cabro is my dear Instagram friend @jalynjunell. We met during the early days of my blog and I’ve loved following her, another working mom account on Instagram. She keeps it real with her content – the struggles of sick children, working on a consistent routine, and enjoying time with her family. She’s the real deal and I hope to meet her in person one of these days.⁠

I enjoy writing these features because I learn something new from each mother. And, I’m validated by our common perspectives. I appreciate the vulnerability of these women who give us glimpses into their highs and lows as working mothers. With Jalyn, I love that her husband reminds her that he is more than capable of taking care of the girls when Jalyn needs time away to recharge. Her hack is a golden tip and if you’re not already doing this then you should give it a try. And, her favorite tradition is one that I plan to do next year with Z and J. I also think that her working parent challenge resonates with many of us. I appreciated her candor.⁠

Let’s get to know Jalyn.

About Jalyn

  • Higher Education Professional
  • Port Arthur, Texas
  • B.A. Journalism- PR- University of Oklahoma;
  • M.P.A.- Non-Profit Management- Texas Southern University
  • 6 years married
  • 2 children (2.5y & 15m)
  • Hobbies: traveling, reading, volunteering, creating Pinterest boards

Favorite tradition with your children

I love the holiday season. This year we took the girls to look at Christmas lights. My parents used to drive me around with my brother to look at lights every year. I was excited to do it with the girls. We put blankets in the car, made hot chocolate, and enjoyed seeing beautiful homes with light displays. My oldest really enjoyed some of the displays. My youngest wasn’t as interested yet. It’s a small but meaningful tradition that I hope to continue every year with them.

Describe your mornings

I am still working on a morning routine. Currently, I wake up 30-45 minutes after my alarm goes off and get myself dressed for work (if I’m not WFH). My husband gets the girls dressed. On days that I WFH, we trade duties and I get the girls dressed while my husband gets ready for work. One of us will make their breakfast while the other makes lunches. Then, I’ll comb the girls’ hair and pack the car. If I WFH, my husband drops them off at daycare and vice versa. Ideally, I’d like to get up an hour early so I have more time to exercise, journal & pray. I’m working on it.

Favorite parenting hacks

This may be an obvious one, but getting out the girl’s daycare outfits and packing their backpacks the night before has been a game changer for having smoother mornings. Being prepared before the morning starts helps us tremendously.

How much do you outsource?

I currently outsource childcare and grocery shopping regularly. I rarely set foot in a grocery store and that has been such a time-saver for me. We outsource house cleaning once a month for now. I hope to increase that to twice a month soon.

How does your partner support your career?

My husband encourages me to seek opportunities in my career that are meaningful to me. When I was 8 months pregnant with my second child when I was presented with an opportunity to apply for a new role that would require me to work in an office. Previously, I worked from home for 4 years. He encouraged me to apply and accept the position when it was offered to me. It has been super helpful to have his support. I know that I can take on new roles as they come.

How do you manage mom guilt?

⁠I experience mom guilt often and it’s something I’m exploring in therapy. I feel guilty anytime I leave the girls for take time for myself. It helps that my husband encourages me to take time to recharge alone or with friends. He reminds me that he is willing and capable to care for the girls when I’m away from home. I try to remind myself that I am a whole person outside of being a mom and it is okay- and necessary- for me to have time away from mothering.

Working parent challenges

Being a mom has been challenging for my career because I think twice before taking on new responsibilities that could advance my career. Since having children, I lost interest in climbing the leadership ladder. I’m not sure if this is temporary because I have small children and the feeling will resurface as the children gain more independence. For now, this is how I feel. It’s been challenging for me to not have a plan for what’s next in my career.

Thank you Jalyn for allowing us to have a peak into your life and for being featured on The Cabro. You are truly a bright spot in my Instagram feed. ⁠

If you enjoyed this feature, check out my other Featured on The Cabro bios!

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